Sunday, June 24, 2007

Get Happy

This morning I woke up all stiff and sore, muttering curse words under my breath.

Before a hit and run driver whacked two other cars into mine on Thursday night, I was really looking forward to this weekend and a visit to the race track and a graduation party. My neighbors also are interested in getting a dog and I had promised I would go to the shelter with them, too.

Instead, Middle Daughter and I have spent the whole weekend on the couch timing doses of muscle relaxers, pain killers, ice packs and heating pads.....grrrrr!!!

But then I grabbed my coffee and opened my e-mail. Not only did I cease my hushed string of profanity, I squealed with happiness. If I could jump up and down, I would do that, too!

My blog has won a "Best Blog of the Day" award from (you probably guessed) The Blog of The Day Awards! How cool is that?

Here's what they wrote:

"A Blog of the Day Award goes to Life is RANTastic! Reflections of a Rock Chick

Jessica is doing the most important job in Chicagoland and she aspires to aquire A-List Blogger Status (like us - Famous Bloggers)

Please visit her and help her achieve stardom."

See? They even threw in the A-List graphic just to get me extra excited!!! Right now, I am a "B-List" blogger. To get the A-List, you need a Technorati score of 500 which basically means that 500 other blogs have linked to yours in the last 6 months. Right now my score is 426. Almost there!

Make one more spot "blogging elite", here I come!!

Thank you, Famous Quotations, you've made my day!


Anonymous said...

Glad that we could help. Several of us have been in that "muscle relaxants and pain meds" situation over the years and we really do "feel your pain."

The hardest part in your recovery will be that sitting at the computer will agravate the problem rather than help.

If only blogging would was a pain reliever ... oh, wait, for some it is.


Get some rest. All of your fans will keep the blogosphere running for a few days.

Thank you,

BOTDA Judges and Staff

Anonymous said...

I am impressed. I was already impressed! Congratulations, girl. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

To use your term


I just discovered a typo in the url ...

htpp instead of http

It is fixed now.


Durward Discussion said...

You are now linked on mine.

Jessica Morris said...

Ohh congrats!! A reward you definitely deserve =)

So how do you tell how many ppl are linked to you??

My birthday is on the 27th, but since I won't be with Paul till July 9 (I'm up north for a wedding) we celebrated it this past Tuesday when my visiting brother babysat Judah!

Are you feeling any better yet??

Kendra said...

woo hoo...congrats! this is a much deserving award!!! ;) i'm sooo proud!!

Crystal said...

Ouch, that sounds so painful. I hope you feel better soon.

Congrats on another award! :)

My thing says 850. I'm not sure I understand that, my blog does not seem that popular!

Sara said...


Lara Croft said...

Congratulations!!! You deserve it - enjoy it! LC

maiylah said...

congratulations! :)

Sandee said...

You're at 483 today. You are sooooooo close.